Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What is cool?!

Cool- Cool is an additude, personality, appearance, object, or almost anything, that a person, group, or culture, finds appealing. There really is no set definition as opinions of cool vary by person, group, culture, and times.

  • Certain types of clothing in different cultures are seen as "cool". For example, in lots of groups, skaters shoes are popular for teens to wear. Many teens wear DC shoes because they are found as appealing and they think that wearing them, may make them seem "cooler".

  • Certain people that are well known, such as famous actors or musicians, are seen as role models and defined as "cool". Jimi Hendrix, for example, is seen as one of the most amazing guitarists who ever lived. Most people would define him as a very "cool" person. They see him as a role model and they look up to him.

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